
1. Antle, A. N., Chesick, L., Levisohn, A., Sridharan, S. K., & Tan, P. Using Neurofeedback to Teach Self-Regulation to Children Living in Poverty. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDT 2015), Medford, MA, ACM (2015) 119–128.

2. Levisohn, A. M. Tagging with Movement: Somatic Strategies for Digital Image Classification (Dissertation). Communication, Art & Technology (FCAT), Vancouver, B.C., Canada, Simon Fraser University (2014).

3. Levisohn A., Schiphorst, T. Tagging with Movement: Somatic Strategies for Image Classification. 2014 International Workshop on Movement and Computing (MOCO 2014), Paris, France, ACM. (2014).

4. Levisohn A., Schiphorst, T. Embodied Engagement: Supporting Movement Awareness in Ubiquitous Computing Systems. Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal, 3(4),  Chicago, IL, Common Ground Publishing (2011) 97-112.

5. Levisohn, A. Designing for Movement Experience. CHI 2011 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Vancouver, BC, ACM (2011).

6. Levisohn, A., Gromala, D. (2009) Taro(t)ception: Eliciting Embodied, Interoceptive Awareness through Interactive Art. In Proc. of Digital Arts and Culture, UC Irvine (2009).

7. Levisohn, A. and Pasquier, P. BeatBender: Subsumption Architecture for Autonomous Rhythm Generation. Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, ACM (2008), 51-58.

8. Levisohn, A.M. The Body as a Medium: Reassessing the Role of Kinesthetic Awareness in Interactive Applications. Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Multimedia, ACM (2007), 485-488.

9. Levisohn, A., Cochrane, J., Gromala, D., and Seo, J. The Meatbook: tangible and visceral interaction. Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Tangible and embedded interaction, ACM (2007), 91-92.

10. Sung, J., Levisohn, A., Ji-won, S., Tomasetti, B., and Mazalek, A. Shadow Box: an interactive learning toy for children. The First IEEE International Workshop on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning, 2007. DIGITEL ’07 , (2007), 206-208.